We are a recording studio in Astoria, New York, providing in-person, remote, and on-line services for recording, editing, mixing and/or mastering for albums, singles, demos, voice-overs, For our services on-location (outside our studio) for live, (or pre-recorded) live streaming events, podcasts, videos, concerts, and corporate events, please reach out to our sister company LightAtMyWindow.
You are invited to schedule a free, 10-minute visit to the studio, try our grand piano, listen to some examples and/or speak with our engineer about your project before you reserve time.
Call or text 646-261-2587, or write to info@soundworksrecording.com - 38-01 23RD AVENUE, SUITE 303 - ASTORIA, NY - 11105
(For Astoria Soundworks rehearsal studios, please call 718-956-7500, write to astoriasoundworks@gmail.com, or visit astoriasoundworks.com)

Some of the publicly available works up until Early 2020:
![SETENTA - Madame Shingaling [Official Music Video]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5258b939e4b0ef38087b8ca5/1587174536514-KX2SNRJRSO17L6DAVIX9/Screen+Shot+2020-04-17+at+9.48.20+PM.png)