Oud & Voice for Egypt
/The other day we recorded & mixed oud & voice songs for Egypt with Neumann u47fet & u87ai into 2 Avalon 737sp
Oud & Voice for Egypt
The other day we recorded & mixed oud & voice songs for Egypt with Neumann u47fet & u87ai into 2 Avalon 737sp
Oud & Voice for Egypt
U87ai, C Flute & Alto Flute were used to record some melodies through an Avalon 737sp a few days ago.
#recorded & #mixed a #hiphop song, #voiceover for a film #U87Neumann, a Nepali Lok song #U47fet #avalon737 #yamahaO2R96 #Genelec1030A #ProtoolsHD10
We are a recording studio in Astoria Queens, New York, providing services of recording, editing, mixingand/or mastering for record albums, singles, demos, voice-overs, videos, live shows, etc...
You are invited to schedule a visit to the studio, try our grand piano, listen to some examples and speak with us about your project before you reserve time. If you prefer, we can have a phone or online conversation.